In 2015, BBVA, a world-renowned bank, opened a contest for a commercial featuring their latest service: Provinet, an online banking system. We began pre-production right away.
First, we developed a storyboard which focused on the absurdity of the old days, the amount of time lost dealing with physically going to the bank, moving paychecks and traveling through the city. The protagonist spent an entire day dealing with the situation, and ultimately failing.
We needed a marvelous actor that could express the falling down of the protagonist as the day went by. We called Javier Figuera, a renowned actor, both in drama and comedy, who has participated in countless commercials, movies, theater plays and it’s instantly recognizable in the country. Javier was 100% with the idea and we were set to go.
The production took one day, we started with the shots of Javier on his computer and cellphone, trying to locate his boss, and also we shot the scene at the end, with the explosion of money, Javier arriving home and using the laptop again. Then we began with the shots in the streets. An interesting fact about this commercial: it was shot 100% with natural light, we never used any extra lights, apart from the already existing on location. The magic of the color and look came in post-production.

This commercial has some interesting VFX going on. Because it was a contest, we needed clearance for any logo, person or street ad present in the video, so we proceeded to erase every single one of them in post. Some of the work done: erasing the logo from the top of the cellphone, erasing the logo on the wrist-clock between 11 and 1, then replacing it with a fake 12 and track the movement to make it seamless. We also changed license plates, wall details, laptop and car logos, and also we applied some blurry areas to hide people and faces.
At Gauss Productions we are extremely proud that we took home the first prize, marking a turning point on our skills and final product quality.

Victor Niebla
Javier Figuera
Production Company
Gauss Productions
BBVA Banco Provincial